Amanda Frances Book Rich as F*ck - Money Clearing Loop Freebie
Amanda Frances Book Rich as F*ck - Money Clearing Loop Freebie
I am ready, open and willing to see things differently. I am willing now to have a shift in my perception around my money and around any other area in need of transformation. I am available to see patterns, close doors, rearrange paradigms and enter a new experience with money. (page 14 in book Rich as F*ck by Amanda Frances)
I am willing to see things differently. Help me see things differently. (page 44 in Rich as F*ck)
I am wildly capable, deeply worthy and destined for greatness. Unequivocally, the BEST is yet to come for me. (page 45 in Rich as F*ck)
Money clearing loop to release any limiting thoughts and patterns. Invite in new possibilities, new set points and ask for help.
Read by Sabrina Brightstar - Keep Your Hand In Your Skirt Podcast Host
#moneyclearingloop #moneytransformation #newmoneypatterns #moneymanifestations #moneyinvitation